Why is my neck pain not improving?

Why is my neck pain not improving?

Most tissues in the body have healed completely in six to 12 weeks following an injury. However, many people have pain that lasts much longer than this. We know that the intensity of the pain you feel is not always associated with a corresponding amount of actual...

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Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain)

Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain)

What is it? Our knees are complex hinge joints, designed to provide stability from side to side and smooth movement forwards and back as you walk, kick and run. The patella, or kneecap, is a small bone embedded in the tendon of the quadriceps muscle that protects the...

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Do you really need to stretch?

Do you really need to stretch?

Stretching has long played an important role in the world of sport and fitness, with many athletes stretching religiously before and after exercise in hopes of preventing injuries. More recently, this practice has been called into question with many people wondering...

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3 Common myths about back pain

3 Common myths about back pain

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions treated by physiotherapists and if you are unlucky enough to have been a sufferer, you know that severe back pain can take over your life. With improved understanding, health professionals have come to identify some...

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4 tips to avoid injuries while exercising

4 tips to avoid injuries while exercising

Being active is one the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle and there are many different ways to get your heart rate up. No matter what your choice of activity is, there is always some risk of injury. In this article, we have listed some tips to help you...

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5 reasons to see a Physio after an injury

5 reasons to see a Physio after an injury

There is no doubt that the human body can be very resilient. Short of regenerating new limbs, our bodies are capable of recovering from large amounts of damage, including broken bones. With this in mind, many people are happy to let nature take it’s course following...

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Focus on Thoracic Spine Mobility

Focus on Thoracic Spine Mobility

Almost everyone will experience lower back and/or neck pain at some point in their lives, even if just in the form of a slight neck twinge after sleeping in an odd position. Spinal pain of the thoracic region (the upper & middle part of your back) is less common,...

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5 Physio tips to help improve your health

5 Physio tips to help improve your health

There’s no doubt that doing the right thing for your health can be difficult. Whether that involves eating healthier, exercising more, flossing your teeth or even doing your physio exercises, the best choice is not always the most comfortable. Once a habit has formed...

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Focus on calf muscle tears

Focus on calf muscle tears

What are they? The calf muscles refer to a group of muscles at the back of the lower leg that act to point the foot and toes down, away from the body. They play an important role in walking and running. A tear or strain of these muscles occurs when some or all of the...

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