Do you really need to stretch?

Do you really need to stretch?

Stretching has long played an important role in the world of sport and fitness, with many athletes stretching religiously before and after exercise in hopes of preventing injuries. More recently, this practice has been called into question with many people wondering...

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Tips on stretching properly

Tips on stretching properly

While there are many benefits to be gained from effective stretching, employing an improper technique can actually result in injury. Here are some tips and guidelines for you to follow when stretching... Warm up first with an activity such as walking (at least 5 -10...

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Stretches for common problem areas

Stretches for common problem areas

We know that office life can wreak havoc on our body. Even with the best intentions, finding time to reverse the pressures of 8 hours a day sitting in a chair can be difficult. Here are three easy stretches to do daily that focus on common problem areas for office...

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